Tuesday 23 April 2013

A partial view of my bookshelf and random bablings

I know I haven't been posting for a really long time, but since my exams are going on, I don't get that much time to engage in reading. Today, I'm going to post a photo with a partial view of my bookshelf.

A part of Shounak's bookshelf

 So here's a part of my bookshelf. Yes, I know it's not that much organized. I've been lately thinking of arranging them according to their alphabetical order. But for that, I'll need a lot of patience! :P

By the way, I'm currently reading: 

Believe it or not, this is the first Nicholas Sparks book that I'm reading... and... I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I'm liking the writing style, and the story as well.

I have a lot of after-exams plans for both movies and books, which will remain a surprise until I blog about them later!

Happy reading! :)

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